Thank-you for taking the time to take a look at our web-site and we hope that you have enjoyed doing business with Wi-Com Solutions Inc. and if you haven't yet I hope you do in the future or know someone that may. It's well known that a referral is the best way for business to grow.
The best thank-you we at Wi-Com could ever receive other than doing business with us is to receive a referral and we like to do something special that rewards our loyal clients for doing so.
At the end of every business quarter, we will be drawing a name from a box for any qualified leads/referrals for either of the following:
- $200 gift card to any products/services from Wi-Com
- $150 gift card to a restaurant of your choice.
You will be notified at the end of each quarter of the winner by e-mail. This might be you!
Please fill in the form below to send us your referral, who you know may benefit from our products and services.
Thank-you once again!
If you have any other ideas I would appreciate hearing from you as well!
David Langerholz